Top files are the glue that holds an HDLmaker design together. Top files are used
to specify the following things:
Here are some examples
Specifies the name of the module, should be the same as then name in the .pin
#module "file_name";
Part types, packages and speeds are specified as follows:
#part_type "4013E";
#package "pq240";
#speed "-3";
The directory statement is used to specify the work library for the VHDL
Directly includes the text of the file. If the file is a .pin file then the pad ring
entity declarations are automaticcaly generated. A #include of a pin file is required.
#include "";
#insert: is used to insert an instance of a component. The extension specifies the source type.
#insert ""; Generates a VHDL or Verilog file from the .top
file and inserts it.
#insert "foobar.vhd"; Insert a VHDL component. The entity definition is taken from the file of the same name.
#insert "example.abl"; Executes ABEL, converts the results to VHDL or Verilog and then inserts it.
#insert "bar.v"; Insert a verilog component taken from the
file of the same name.
The default signal name that is attached to a pin has the same name as the pin. If
a different name is required this can be accomplished with a connection file. For
#insert "",connections="acch.conn";
The format for a connection file is shown below:
#connect d[11..0] = input_bus[11..0];
#connect gblreset = gblreset;
#connect q[11..0] = reg_results[11..0];
#connect sysclk = sysclk;
A default .conn file is automatically generated for each component called by a
.top file. The simple way to make a .conn file is to run hdlmaker once and then
edit the resulting .conn files.
Multiple instances of a component usually require a connection file. It is also a
good idea when instantiating a top file component to only specify .top for the first
instance and to use .v or .vhd for the remaining instances. For example:
#insert "",connections="block1.conn";
#insert "accblock.vhd",connections="block2.conn";
#clock tells Synopsis that a particular signal is a clock. The example below
specifies that sysclk_pin is a 40 ns clock. The _pin at the name is there because
hdlmaker names all external pin signals name_pin.
#clock "sysclk_pin" 40;
This is a Synopsis directive that tells it not to remove a component even though it's outputs aren't connected. A dont_touch is required for the startup (reset) block. It is also required for IO buffers. However hdlmaker takes care of IO buffers itself so you don't have to do anything for those.
#dont_touch "startup_1";
Stop Synopsys from emitting time specs in the SXNF files. #no_timespecs is the same as
#synopsys "xnfout_constraints_per_endpoint = 0"
Specify an input setup constraint to Synopsys
#input_setup "pin_name" "clock_name" 20;
This is equivalent to:
#synopsys "set_input_delay -clock clock_name -max 20 pin_name";
Specify an input hold constraint to Synopsys
#input_hold "pin_name" "clock_name" 20;
This is equivalent to:
#synopsys "set_input_delay -clock clock_name -min 20 pin_name";
Enables some logic optimization across hierarchical boundaries. #flatten takes precedence
over #boundary_optimization.
Forces Synopsys to flatten the design
This allows you to add arbitrary commands to the Synopsys .job file
#synopsys "xnfout_constraints_per_endpoints = 0"
These are Xilinx timespec directives. The example shown below specifies that the
clock to RAM setup is 30 ns.
Insert placement constraints into the appropriate constraint file (.cst file for the
old ppr Xilinx tool, .pcf file for the new Xilinx place and route tool).
#locate "fdc_1","clb_r1c1";
Insert a prioritize command to PAR into the pcf file. Prioritize is used to up the
priority of a signal to the place and route software.
#priority "rxvalid" 90;
Valid priority levels run from 1 to 99 (highest priority). The default priority is
Insert Verilog `timescale command
#timescale "1 ns/1 ps";
Inserts the following
`timescale 1 ns/1 ps
Insert Verilog uselib command
#uselib "/tools/xilinx/xact-5.2.1-verilog/verilog4000e";
Inserts the following
`uselib dir=/tools/xilinx/xact-5.2.1-verilog/verilog4000e libext=.v
The following are Synplicity directives, not required unless you are using Synplicity
Specifies the maximum fanout
#maxfan "16";
This is a Synplicity directive. It is similiar to the Synopsys #dont_touch command.
Hdlmaker also uses the black_box directive to exclude modules from Synopsys Make
#black_box "startup";
Hdlmaker converts ABEL to VHDL by translating the .eqn and .tt1 output files from
The script hdlmaker_lib/csh/runabl is used by hdlmaker to invoke ABEL.
This script must be modified for your environment. This script does the following:
runs ABEL
copies the .eqn and .tt1 result files into the local directory
If the ABEL source file has pin numbers then an .xref file will automatically be
generated. PADs netlists that include ABEL based PLDs will be converted into VHDL.
An attribute called "pldfile" which references the .abl file must be attached
to each PLD.