HDLmaker was written by Joshua Rosen and Polybus Systems Corp, as an aid for the development of complex FPGA designs. It is offered free of charge, without warranty either expressed or implied. All comments, complaints or suggestions should be sent to bjrosen@polybus.com.
HDLmaker is an open source program. HDLmaker source code is included in the release. You are free to modify it and use it for your own purposes, however you may not include any HDLmaker source code in any commercial product without receiving written consent from Polybus Systems Corp. If you are interested licensing HDLmaker in whole or in part please contact us at bjrosen@polybus.com.
Polybus offers extensive hardware and software development services. For more information please contact bjrosen@polybus.com, or call (978)692-4828.
HDLmaker is copyright ©1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, and 2001 Polybus Systems Corp, Westford, MA.
HDLmaker is a tool for generating VHDL and Verilog FPGA designs. HDLmaker simplifies the development of complex FPGA designs as well as PC Boards by performing the following tasks:
The designer writes the leaf cells and defines the pins, HDLmaker does the rest.
Any supported synthesizer or simulator can be used without any additional work on the part of the user. HDLmaker generates all required Makefiles and Scripts automatically.
You may not sell HDLmaker or any derivative software product (i.e. a program containing any HDLmaker source code) without express written consent from Polybus Systems Corp. If you are interested in producing a commercial product based on HDLmaker, please contact us about licensing.
Add support for other simulators and synthesis tools
Provide glue between different CAE tools.
contact: bjrosen@polybus.com
Resume: Joshua Rosen
tar -xvf hdlmaker_install.tar- cd hdlmaker_install
- ./install.csh
setenv HDLMAKER_LIB {/home/polybus/hdlmaker_lib}
if ( ! $?FPGA_FAMILY ) then
setenv FPGA_FAMILY virtex
The supported FPGA_FAMILYs are
if ( ! $?FPGA_NOXBLOX ) then
source $HDLMAKER_LIB/csh/hdlmaker.cshrc
HDLmaker uses an optional file to specify the file search order. The file (called polybus.lib) must be placed in the local design directory.
Directories are searched in order starting with the local directory, followed by the directories in polybus.lib, and then the HDLmaker standard libraries.
The format of a polybus.lib entry is:
#design "library_name" "path"
Example polybus.lib
HDLmaker has two major file types, these are:
Hdlmaker is supported on Linux, Solaris, and HP. To recompile it for any of these platforms, do the following:
cd $HDLMAKER_LIB/sources/hdlmaker_sources